The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56400   Message #883432
Posted By: katlaughing
05-Feb-03 - 04:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Colin Powell finds the 'Smoking Gun'
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell finds the 'Smoking Gun'
Jed, I hope you were not referring to those of us who oppose an all out war when you used the phrase "Sadam supporters." I certainly am no supporter of his.

I heard some expert on NPR, yesterday, saying that the military would not be in place and ready for war until March. IMO, the longer we can keep that from happening, through inspections, working with the UN and using all diplomatic and other non-violent means, the better. By May or June it will be too hot to do anything over there. A speaker at our local college, who lived in Bagdhad for four years said it gets to 120 degrees farenheit in the city from June through October.
