The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56457   Message #883436
Posted By: Bev and Jerry
05-Feb-03 - 04:35 PM
Thread Name: Anthology of American Folk Music
Subject: RE: Anthology of American Folk Music
Although our first exposure to folk music was the Kingstin Trio and their ilk, we soon discovered the Anthology and, like Mark Clark, the local library's copy spent a lot of time at our house. Now we own the CD version.

Not only do we sing many of the songs we learned from the Anthology, we sing 'em in schools in an attempt to demonstrate to today's kids that there is more to music than the stuff they listen to on the radio. And yes, we do an occasional unaccompanied song in schools, too. Kids love this stuff and we frequently hear them singing King Kong Kitchi Kitchie Ki Mi Oh or When That Great Ship Went Down on the playground. What a treat!

Maybe, just maybe, we're creating a few future mudcatters.

Bev and Jerry