The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56484   Message #883564
Posted By: BH
05-Feb-03 - 07:11 PM
Thread Name: Horn & Hardart (The Automat)
Subject: Horn & Hardart (The Automat)
Besides being one of the hosts of TRADITIONS on WFDU I also produce and host TABLETALK. Tabletalk airs on the 2d and 3d Sunday of each month.

This Sunday -=--if you are into nostalgia--you will hear a wonderful conversation with the great grand-daughter of Frank Hardart (one of the founders of Horn & Hardart) She and her co author Lorraine Diehl, the NY Daily News writer,have a wonderful book about the Automat that is now flying off the shelves.

If you are from NYC or Phila.---or are of a certain age you will love the book---and the interview.

So==when does TABLETALK air----8 AM ET. WFDU 89.1 FM in the NY metro area. On the web you can hear us live

Bill Hahn
Traditions and Tabletalk