The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56300   Message #883687
Posted By: Little Hawk
05-Feb-03 - 10:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: UFO's and the Bible
Subject: RE: BS: UFO's and the Bible
yeah, bigdarve- there's one born every minute. you can make anything up you want from even the yellow the notion that life is all about accumulating money and material possessions and being "he who dies with the most toys". The people who do that most "successfully" are no doubt laughing their asses off all the way to MalWart (deliberate mispelling). I do not envy them. I pity them.

My impression is that Von Daniken believed his theory. I think he went off the deep end. That doesn't have much bearing one way or another on the UFO question for me. If I want to study Christian spirituality I don't go to Billy Graham or Jerry Falwell for it.