The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56400   Message #883950
Posted By: InOBU
06-Feb-03 - 09:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Colin Powell finds the 'Smoking Gun'
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell finds the 'Smoking Gun'
fplks folks folks...
Vertually every American war begins with a lie, and those which don't begin with a manufactured event often. Even wars which most folks feel were moraly defendable, such as the Second World War, remember the Greer Kearny and the Rubin James? Well, they are now know to have been running at a U Boat's snorkle, forcing the event.
The fact is the best way to deal with Moslem extreemism, is to foster ecconomic rather than military competition, which we are not about to do. We support Moslem extreemists, such as Kallada Zia in Bangladesh, because as long as Asia and the Mid East is fighting sectarian wars, they will not be forming a Asian united ecconomic entity as Western Europe has done. So, we keep the pot boiling, using the unrest to excuse adventurism abroad and loss of rights at home.
Unfortunatly friends, when the America you believe in has been sold out to the Patriot Act and other acts of tyranny, you will be so afraid of the dreaded Eastern Threat you wont notice the loss of you own nation to theives and dictators.