The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56300   Message #884047
Posted By: catspaw49
06-Feb-03 - 11:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: UFO's and the Bible
Subject: RE: BS: UFO's and the Bible
Hey Bill...Thanks for reminding me about the "immaculate conception" part.......Didn't you always figure that Joseph was just really pissed over the whole thing?

JOSEPH: You're what?
MARY: I am with child Joseph.
JOSEPH: How the hell is that possible? We've been married ten years and I ain't even seen you nekkid, let alone anything else!
MARY: But Joseph, I am still virginal. The baby was given to me by God.
JOSEPH: God my ass....Some guy got you tanked up on wine and told you he was God!!! So now what?
MARY: Joseph, it will be your great honor and duty to rear the son of God.
JOSEPH: Lemmee get this right....I've still got the world's worst case of Blue Balls, but you're knocked up and the SOB who did it claims to be God....and then splits, sticking me with bills??? Dammit Mary, construction is way down and we are barely making it the way it is. I tell you Mary, this kid better know how to stretch food and turn water into wine!
MARY: He will Joseph. He is the son of God.
JOSEPH: Geeziz Keericed!!! That's ridiculous!!
MARY: No Joseph, that will be name.
