The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56400   Message #884586
Posted By: Teribus
07-Feb-03 - 03:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Colin Powell finds the 'Smoking Gun'
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell finds the 'Smoking Gun'

After an entire year of "huff and puff" as you call it, here are the results:

1. February 2002 - the UN sitting back quietly ignoring its responsibilities. February 2003 - UN now living up to those responsibilities and actively enforcing resolutions passed with regard to Iraqi disarmament.

2. February 2002 - no weapons inspectors in Iraq and no sign of any intention on the part of the Iraqi Government to allow them back into the country. February 2003 - UNMOVIC and IAEA inspectors in Iraq.

3. February 2002 - The Iraqi Government stonewalling on every move to bring about any solution to its problems with respect to the international community. February 2003 - The Iraqi Government has conceded point after point, that previously it declared were unsurmountable obstacles.

We have discussed your proposal for an "Emergency Summit" for the Middle East and the difficulties involved previously Bobert. On that occasion, when pressed, you said that:

1. You couldn't be bothered reading the posts

2. You couldn't be bothered to investigate the complexities involved.

The Summit Bobert would have to be held in Baghdad Bobert because your pal Saddam has not left the country in the last 26 years (When he took over) - Wonder why???

Since threads on possible war with Iraq started I have always said that the actual mechanics of it are impossible without the active co-operation of on Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Jordan. Subsequent to Colin Powell's presentation at the UN, Turkey now seems to be altering it's position dramatically - from no US troops on Turkish soil, to giving the go-ahead for preparations for the bases they will need. Later this month the Turkish Parliament is expected to sanction use of Turkish bases for US personnel involved in any possible attack on Iraq. When this vote goes through - the operation then becomes possible.