The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56400   Message #884793
Posted By: Steve in Idaho
07-Feb-03 - 11:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: Colin Powell finds the 'Smoking Gun'
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell finds the 'Smoking Gun'
Same old stuff - I am of the opinion that Secretary Powell made his case. I do not believe that he could give names of informants as this would result in their deaths, along with their families, were they found out.

This is not the era of the bow and arrow - it is the era of suicide bombers, biological disaster, nuclear weapons in the hands of those sworn to destroy us, and other atrocious weapons we can but imagine. Saddam has a fairly reprehensible history with his people and his enemies. Take a look at what was left of the Iranian troops after he gassed them. Or the Kurds in the North.

America is my country. I believe that we have a duty to ensure our safety. And if the Twin Towers wasn't an attack on us what was it? And did we deserve it? I don't think so. I further believe that anyone who believes America had that cheap shot coming needs some serious psychiatric evaluation work done. No one deserved that.

I don't particularly care for some of the President's policies, and I sometimes wonder just how able a leader he is, but I believe Colin Powell is doing what he believes to be right. He has a lot of integrity in my opinion. And he is making those recomendations based on information we are not allowed to have. And I believe it is for national security.

I don't like war. I have several personal investments in why we should not fight this war. My Daughter is over there, my Brother is on his way, and the unit I work for is sending many of my close friends. I personally stand to lose a lot if this thing goes badly. Probably lose a lot even if it goes well. But my opinion is that some folks need removed. And Saddam is one of them. He's a cur dog running amock with a set of teeth that needs removed.

I'm not a war monger. I don't think anyone here is. We all seek the same goal. Peace. We all just have speculative opinions on how to best achieve that goal. I love the dialogue. It's what we are about, we Americans, we talk things nearly to death before we act. But when we act I would hope that we act in one accord. Our troops need the support for what they may be asked to do.

And as far as folks from other countries name calling my countries leaders - don't. It just shows your ignorance of what they achieved and overcame to become leaders of my country. I don't bad mouth your folks - I'd appreciate it if you didn't do it to mine. We've had this part of the conversation before.

Just my opinion -
