The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56400   Message #884875
Posted By: CarolC
07-Feb-03 - 01:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Colin Powell finds the 'Smoking Gun'
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell finds the 'Smoking Gun'
I think you know that I have a tremendous amount of respect for you Steve, but I feel compelled to make this distinction for you:

I further believe that anyone who believes America had that cheap shot coming needs some serious psychiatric evaluation work done. No one deserved that.

I seriously doubt that anyone here in the US thinks we deserved that. But I know there are many here who are pretty convinced that we helped to cause it to happen. There is a very, very big difference between those two things. As a mental health professional, you know that in order for a person to stop a self-destructive behavior, the person must first admit that he or she is engaging in that behavior.

Now, I'll understand if you don't agree with the idea that the US government has any culpability in this regard. But I hope you will understand that for those who do think the US government is culpable, what is needed is simply for the US government to clean up its act. It has nothing to do with any ideas about innocent Americans deserving to die.