The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56400   Message #885185
Posted By: Bobert
07-Feb-03 - 08:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Colin Powell finds the 'Smoking Gun'
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell finds the 'Smoking Gun'
Yo, Guest, Dan:

Not too sure what you're trying to say there, my friend. My post was in response to Teribis's and not much more than that. The observations I have made are not new to this joint, being the resident peacenic. Sorry about the dexlexia but I can't help it. Believe me, it's a pain. I know in my head how to spell most word but don't type very well and then the dexlexia kicks in and when I reread the posts the words look just fine. So if I get them right the first time then fine. If not, my chances of finding the errors are not too good unless I want to sit here with a dictionary and look each one up. It's ahrd to explain but if you understand cubism in art maybe you 'll understand what dexlexics see with printed words. Hey, most of us do learn to read and I somehow got two college degrees but it wasn't easy.

Now as fir my beliefs, there are lots of folks who argue war/no war but not ebought to have a vision of a world were war is not the tried and true meathod of dealing with differences between people. It is very possible for mankind to get to that point and mankind, as it becomes more *tribalized* will one day figure out there are no alternatives. We are not far from that point it God's little experiement is to carry on. The world has become way to dangerous for the *luxary* (for a lack of a better term)of war. Way topo dangerous. Mankind does not have too manym opportunities here. This is not doomsday stuff. Just reality.

So, yeah, we need very much to start communicating and quit the hating.

