The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56594   Message #886203
Posted By: Dexter
09-Feb-03 - 02:48 PM
Thread Name: Garrison Keillor the bad singer who ..
Here's that Pat Donahue parody.

Would you like to play the guitar
And bring your money home in a jar
From a coffee house or a bar
Or would you rather get a job

A job is the thing that makes you get out of bed
And work every day until you're dead
Your feet are aching and your brain is numb
And you just can't wait until the weekends come
But if you don't want to starve or beg or rob
You'll probobly have to get a job

Or would you like to play the guitar
And drive for miles and miles in your car
You can pretend that you're a big star
Or would you rather book the gigs

An agent's the guy that gets his twenty percent
What he says ain't exactly what he meant
He'll clean you out in ways you never thought
'Cause he's good at business and he knows you're not
And he'll sue if you ever make it big
'Cause he's the guy that booked the gig

Or would you like to play the guitar
For a living (hardy-har-har)
I admit it's kind of bizarre
But would you rather be the wife

The wife is the one who's got to rescue our butts
She's either a saint or else she's nuts
She gets impatient and she gets annoyed
Becuase she's the one who must remain employed
By the way if you want to wreck your life
Become a guitar player's wife

Cause the monkey's aren't all in the zoo
They can be trained to play the guitar too
Some of them a whole lot better than you
But even if you don't go far
You could be worse of than you are
At least your playing your guitar.

          "Swingin' on a Star" has always been on my, "songs
            I need to learn" list. Hearing these lyrics moved it
            to the top slot. They love it at open mics.
