The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56620   Message #886337
Posted By: Jeri
09-Feb-03 - 05:28 PM
Thread Name: Review: Fielding & Scarlett @ MacKenzie Hall
Subject: RE: Review: Fielding & Scarlett @ MacKenzie Hall
I'm jealous too. I wish I had a jet car.

I had the opportunity to hear Mose play...MY guitar. Ha! I've heard Rick play blues on it, and it sure liked what Mose was pickin'. I'd hoped he'd play something "into" it. I think he might have. I heard what it could sound like in the hands of a really good finger-picker and I know what the guitar's capable of. Wish I had a chance to see him perform. Hearing him in Rick's basement isn't anything like a concert, and I hear he can be an absolutely hilarious storyteller in addition to being a wonderful musician.

One of these days, I'm going to get to one of Rick's gigs. I've only heard him do the abridged version. Hearing and seeing both Rick and Mose together must have been a real treat. Thanks Mick. I'm still jealous, but thanks!