The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54465   Message #886402
Posted By: GUEST,Michael Tunney
09-Feb-03 - 07:04 PM
Thread Name: Obit: Paddy Tunney 1921-2002
Subject: RE: Obit: Paddy Tunney 1921-2002
Hello from Michael, third son of Paddy, " the man of songs".
I was scrolling thru your conversations of the last month tonight and was greatly taken by your respect, appreciation and love of the Da. His illness was vey short - just two weeks from diagnosis to death but he died beautifully in my mothers arms. Two nights before we - Paddy, John, Brigid, Maura nad I sat around his bed and we sang for over an hour with him. He loved life and living and loved music, song and tradition. His third book , which he delivered to the publishers a week before he became ill, will be out in the spring and we are looking forward to that.