The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56400   Message #886560
Posted By: Teribus
10-Feb-03 - 02:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Colin Powell finds the 'Smoking Gun'
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell finds the 'Smoking Gun'

My post that you answered above was in response to one of your own when you asked what the "Huff and Puff" had achieved after 12 months.

Point 1 - In February 2002 the UN was sitting back and doing nothing

Point 2 - In February 2002 there were no UN weapons inspectors in Iraq

Point 3 - The lack of Iraqi co-operation was and has been a constant complaint of both Hans Blix and Mohammed AlBaradei - it was not something that Bush, or Blair, invented and threw into the equation.

Your proposed "Emergency Middle East Peace Summit" was discussed at great length. Two of the main conditions you outlined (that America should convene it and that all parties were to attend and not be allowed to leave until all points of difference were sorted out) are totally unrealistic, very well intentioned but still totally unrealistic. When a case was put forward as to the why's and wherefores, that was when you came back complaining that you did not have time to dispute the points. The message put across was "It's my idea, my solution, it's brilliant and insightful and I refuse to acknowledge that there are any problems associated with its implimentation." Well Bobert, quite a large number of problems exist, and were very clearly pointed out to you. In short concerning your two main cornerstones, the United States would never be viewed by any participant on the Arab side as an "honest broker", and, you would never succeed in getting all necessary parties to attend under the conditions you laid down. Nobody can leave until it is sorted - How are you going to achieve that Bobert? What sanction could be used to compell and impose this condition?