The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56400   Message #886703
Posted By: Greg F.
10-Feb-03 - 08:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Colin Powell finds the 'Smoking Gun'
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell finds the 'Smoking Gun'
And now, Powell turns his smokinng gun on:

New York Times
Monday, February 10, 2003

A leading Israeli newspaper reported Sunday that Israel and
Washington have reached a secret agreement on conditions for ousting
Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat after the U.S. topples Saddam.

Reached by Knight Ridder Newspapers, spokesmen for both Prime
Minister Ariel Sharon and the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv declined to
either confirm or deny the report carried in the tabloid Yediot Aharanot under the headline, "After Saddam: It is Going
to be Arafat's Turn."

And whose "turn" after that? We're back to the bad old days of the unapologetic imperialism of the '50s and '60's.