The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56650   Message #886912
Posted By: GUEST,H
10-Feb-03 - 01:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: uk legal procedure query
Subject: BS: uk legal procedure query
I'm not looking for legal advice about anything- just understand the situation.
A few days ago, the works vehicle I was driving was damaged by a load falling off a lorry.
No personal injury but repairs are needed to the vehicle therefore insurance claim therefore need police incident number.
Also keen to report to police as further load could be lost and worse harm done.
On phone - local police station told me that as the other vehicle didn't stop, I would have to go to the station in person & produce MY documents.Which surprised me.
But, at the station, after taking DOB,address etc & checking driving licence etc , I was told I was being cautioned.
.. not under arrest ... free legal advice ... can leave... ANYTHING I MIGHT RELY ON FOR MY DEFENCE etc etc
The 'explanation' was - they wouldn't take a statement without the caution. But I have asked around colleagues/neighbours, several of of whom have reported far worse things - & not one was cautioned.
.. In case you're wondering .. I really hadn't done anything wrong !
I'm hoping someone can tell me what is the usual procedure.
Thanks, H