The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56650   Message #886975
Posted By: GUEST,H
10-Feb-03 - 02:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: uk legal procedure query
Subject: RE: BS: uk legal procedure query
Hi Ed,

Sadly - that makes sense,

Neither the lorry nor the cars following me stopped, And unfortunately didn't get number plate & no obvious name on lorry - so vehicle not traceable.

I know it wasn't my fault - but have no witnesses. Actually - there is (was) evidence, as debris from the cargo was still visible on the van and on the road - but it wasn't worth police time to investigate this.
In hindsight - should have returned to take photographs at the scene and of the van !

One final irony - it's an NHS vehicle, and the insurance documents are held in an office - somewhere - 2 counties away. So I am watching the post at work very closely. I'm obliged to produce the insurance docuents by friday - otherwise I'm the one facing prosecution.

Could've been worse.

Thanks, H