The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56666   Message #887137
Posted By: GUEST,Leon
10-Feb-03 - 06:53 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Do You Know Any Dylan? (Eric Bogle)
Subject: Lyr Req: song called 'Will you sing some Dylan?'
I've been trying to find the lyrics to a song I heard Barry Moore (Luka Bloom) perform in a folk club back in the mid 70's. I think he siad it was by a Scottish songwriter.

It was a sort of light hearted semi anti-Dylan song and all I can remember is part of the chorus which went

" .... will you sing some Dylan?
and I'd rather see my life blood spillin'
I'd rather sing God save the king ....
than to sing some Dylan"

and part of the last verse which went "I had me hand up her dress, she said I'll say yes, if you sing some Dylan" after wich he agrees to sing some!

Hope someone knows it or can point me in the right direction
