The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56594   Message #887269
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
10-Feb-03 - 09:32 PM
Thread Name: Garrison Keillor the bad singer who ..
Subject: RE: Garrison Keillor the bad singer who ..
According to most maps it is!

That reminds me of the classic line in Animal House. Belushi was trying to inspire the frat and said "Did we give up when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?"    One of the frat members looked confused and another said "Don't stop him, he's on a roll".

Guest seems to have a personal ax to grind. When you look at it, it really is no big deal. It is a radio show, it is entertaining, and MANY people listen to Keillor. I tend to agree with Burke's summary. However, even though the show may have slipped a few (or perhaps several)notches from it's heydey, it really doesn't matter.   There are NO other shows that can do what Keillor can do. He offers a stage to a diverse group of musicians, many who would not have the opportunity to reach so many.

Yes, he may have some "issues" with his life, but that really isn't our business. He has done a LIVE RADIO VARIETY show for the last several decades. Tell me one other person that can claim that.   Guest, of course he is not the producer. You must be nuts to think that one person could write/perform AND produce that program.   So the people in Minnesota don't appreciate him? I can live with that. Please tell me why that should sway my opinion of him.

Guest, I hope you are able to work through your issues.   Garrision Keillor is an important figure in the worlds of literature, music, and popular culture. At least there are many that can recognize this.

Best of luck to you guest!
