The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56670   Message #887312
Posted By: Bobert
10-Feb-03 - 10:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obit: US Alerts guard against the Constitution
Subject: RE: Obit: US Alerts guard against the Constitution
Thanks, Larry, for the update. Looks like it's *business-as-usual* under the Bush regime. They think they are going to shed the Bill of Rights *but* that ain't gonna happen. What they are going to see is "what democracy looks like" as millions take to streets to tell Bush that if he has a beef with Saddam, then get his cowardly butt on an airplane to Bagdad. Saddam will meet himat the airport and they can du7ke it out right there on the runway. Meanwhile, leave tyhe Iraqi kids and our kids out of the rumble, thank you...

BTW, Catters, this is *crunch time* so make sure your voice is heard. Don't post today on Mudact until you've sent either an email or a snail m ail to you rep telling your rep that there are other ways to solve differences.

Resist insanity.

Resist Bush.

Resist Cheney.

Resist Rumsfeld.

No blood for oil.
