The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56670   Message #887730
Posted By: GUEST
11-Feb-03 - 11:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obit: US Alerts guard against the Constitution
Subject: RE: BS: Obit: US Alerts guard against the Constitution
So how many 'large' events have we had since Sept 11? Thousands? How many terrorist attacks? Sure the government will provoke to violence this time...they need reason to implement martial law. Millions of concentration camp beds are waiting to be filled up, too.

The phony Iraq war has achieved it's has diverted attention from the Bush Company's plundering of America. No CEO from the hundred corporate scandals is in jail, 401K's are now arbitrarily administered so they don't gurantee retirements, WW2 and Korean veterans just had their VA medical benefits yanked, the stock market is being artificially supported by the government, otherwise it would have crashed by now, NASA had a boo boo and a hundred billion is thrown at it as the fix...the Bush family servants of the World Bank are destroying America internally while focusing attention on a phony war.

But the war has to be demonstrated against in order for the Bush junta to show it's fascistic hand. Wait 'til the trains start hauling off grandmothers to concentration camps.

Buy guns. Buy ammo.