The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56683   Message #887749
Posted By: GUEST
11-Feb-03 - 12:08 PM
Thread Name: Where'd All the Hate and Rage Come From?
Subject: RE: Where'd All the Hate and Rage Come From?
The hate and rage has come from a switch being thrown on Sept 11, 2001. Since 1947 the CIA has been employing Nazi 'doctors' rescued from the German death-camps. Those doctors were specialists in mind-control and psychological manipulation, and they were employed to develop programs like the ones bearing fruit now.

First of all, a dissemination method had to be devised, so a TV was put in every home and bar, etc. Now, most of us get our cues from TV, and when we're told to be nervous, we get nervous. But it's all scripted. Al Qeada was created by the CIA, and when the CIA needs them again, they'll drag their asses out of the hot tubs in Sacramento or Dallas or Denver and go to work.

Just don't be fooled by the 'big lie'...if you're not with us you're with them. The Bushes are just front-men for the World Bank, and they ARE 'them'. Ashcroft just got caught lying about the existence of draft legislation which will be passed after he and his boss conduct another terrorist attack in America. And the new bill (Patriot Act 2) will deny American citizenship to any person who belongs to a group the Attorney General 'deems' to be terroristic in nature. That means any church, civic organization, political organization, etc.

So the Bush junta's days are numbered now. But DON'T let their replacements lull you into a false sense of victory. Democrats are the second head of the beast. All legislators who passed the first Patriot Act need to be dealt with, and when the new batch of legislators begin their service by attending 500 legal executions, maybe they will be a little more obedient to their oaths of office.