The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56670   Message #887753
Posted By: Bobert
11-Feb-03 - 12:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obit: US Alerts guard against the Constitution
Subject: RE: BS: Obit: US Alerts guard against the Constitution
You can buy all the guns you want, GUEST, and play right into the government's hands. But, don't expect me to be there by your side. We *will* tak back our country with the one weapon that Boss Hog has no defense: intellect, love and non-violence. Yeah, those are my weapons of choice.

But as for guns, GUEST, Boss Hog is well aware of just how armed the country is. There is one gun privately owned for every man, woman and child, with a few to spare...


New York's Republican mayor and the US JUstice Department are behind NY's decison to ban the march. This is just a "scare tactic" to keep the numbers down. The assembly part is intact. I find it interesting that the US Justice Depratment has become involved! Very intersting. It's isn't difficult to see the motivation. As for a terrorists attack, it wouldn't make any different btween the permited "assembly" and the denied "march". Anyone who syas not is just doing the work of Bush's PR people in keeping the numbers down.
