The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56400   Message #887774
Posted By: Bobert
11-Feb-03 - 12:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Colin Powell finds the 'Smoking Gun'
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell finds the 'Smoking Gun'
Now, you even got me confused as to which piece of infomation is in question. I *thought* this all started because I had referred to a "Tomahawk" as a "Patriot".

And I did make that correction.

So what else does anyone *think* needs correcting?

And, no, Teribus, I'm not asking forf a lengthy homework assignment from you unless you want one from me, thank you. And I agree with you that under the current situation is is impossibl;e to get the Isrealis and Palestinians to talk. But the operative part of your assetion is "current situation". That's waht I'm saying.

Einstein said, "One cannot solve a problem with the same consciousness that created it." Thats exactly what I have been saying and thats what the millions of people who this weekend will be marching around the world this weekend are saying. That's what Martin Luther King, Jr. was saying In Birmingham and Selma.
