The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56689   Message #887814
Posted By: saulgoldie
11-Feb-03 - 01:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Whom should we pray for if there is war?
Subject: RE: BS: Whom should we pray for if there is war?
I am not sure if this belongs on this war-related thread. But I wasn't sure and I didn't want to start a whole 'nother one. But I have been chewing on an observation about the war and other matters of "what is right" versus "what keeps happening"(and all of you philosophers who have "known" this since forever don't just jump in my shit about my naivete, OK?).

As much as we like to think (idealistically) that ultimately "right" will win, "right" only wins occasionally and incidentally, and what really wins is force. (And I don't mean "force" as just the end of a gun; political "force" is still force, just the same.)

Yes, we can point up "victories" of "right" but they are just random events whereas force has a much more steady and consistent record of "wins". The question is, what to do with this insight? A world in which everyone accepts the superiority of force as a process and abandons civility is not one I care to live in. Yet there you have it.