The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56683   Message #887815
Posted By: Beccy
11-Feb-03 - 01:19 PM
Thread Name: Where'd All the Hate and Rage Come From?
Subject: RE: Where'd All the Hate and Rage Come From?
Man o Friday. Is there any way to cut that guy/gal off? Maybe if some wunderbar tech-head could determine a way to filter out GUEST (anon, only) we could have some nice conversations.

It has been my experience lately that there will be a nice, even heated-yet polite, discussion going on and Anon. GUEST here will come along and start a fire. I am not interested in what they say as they have not the decency to sign their name to their posts. I just wanna throttle them (figuratively speaking, of course.) Now- give me a little leeway on the throttle remark as I am pregnant and full of "raging" hormones. I think that's from whence my rage comes.
