The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56670   Message #888202
Posted By: leprechaun
11-Feb-03 - 10:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obit: US Alerts guard against the Constitution
Subject: RE: BS: Obit: US Alerts guard against the Constitution
I haven't seen your New York marches close up, but the ones we have in our little town nearly always degenerate into a traffic-snarling mess. The organizers here refuse to get a permit, because that insinuates government control. They try real hard to make their movements unpredictable, so as to disrupt traffic and commerce as much as possible. Even in these non-permitted events, the police are still there, scrambling to keep people from getting run over as marchers ignore traffic controls, block intersections and generally piss off everybody who isn't in lock-step with them.

I'm so shocked that you've extrapolated the Death Of The Constitution from a few reasonable controls designed to protect the protesters as much as anybody else, and maybe prevent a situation where the terrorists have a nice juicy target.

Sounds to me like you still get the right to peaceably assemble, and I haven't seen anybody's freedom of speech abridged. Don't believe me? Click back a few times and look up and down the page. You need to march to be able to speak freely? Hut hut hut.