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Thread #56713   Message #888382
Posted By: Wolfgang
12-Feb-03 - 06:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Osoma bin 'Forgotten' Remembered...
Subject: RE: BS: Osoma bin 'Forgotten' Remembered...
Let me start with something simple, a correction:

Mark is wrong in stating that all previous Bin Laden communications were by videotape. The last one in November 2002 was also by audiotape (though experts still debate whether it was Bin Laden's voice).

Now the more difficult part, the evaluation. I completely agree with C-flat that the content of the tape is far from conclusive for a case of collaboration, rather the contrary. And that in itself is the strongest argument against the Bobert and Mark conjecture. The CIA or whoever doctors a tape with 'Bin Laden' and forgets to make the case more conclusive? And tells Powell to speak about it too early to raise doubts? Sorry, but that seems very far-fetched.

An Al Jazeera journalist not know for any sympathies with the USA states unambiguously that Al Jazeera got the tape the same way as all other tapes. Do you mean to imply that all those other (video)tapes come from the CIA as well? GUEST might be delighted by such an idea. You have a strong case against your conjecture, in my opinion.

That does not necessarily mean that 'Bin Laden' is actually Bin Laden. We are not talking about only two possibilities here, either Bin Laden or a CIA plot.

I think it is probable that the tape comes from people close to Bin Laden's world view or, perhaps but less sure, from the man himself. The content is exactly what I consider to be his (or his peers) opinion on the war on the crusaders and on Saddam whom he despises. So it is nothing new and the timing fits too. Al Quaeda, if it does not want to loose its standing among Moslem extremists must comment upon the Iraq war.
