The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56683   Message #888501
Posted By: Donuel
12-Feb-03 - 09:35 AM
Thread Name: Where'd All the Hate and Rage Come From?
Subject: RE: Where'd All the Hate and Rage Come From?
I understand the anger:

Bush is the only one with the guts to kill the Islamo fascists. Are you on the side of burkas and female mutillation or the president?

The next thing you're going to tell me is that the Bin Laden video bragging about 9-11 that was found in the ashes of Afghanistan by US troops was created by the CIA.

Defending Saddam is like defending Fidel, Stalin, Che Guevarra like all the pathological left wing liberals have done for generations. Attacking America for generations is a left wing mental abberation.

Look people - we are being attacked.

War has been declared by Ossama bin Laden. That is all the evidence you need.
You are being attacked ! The suicide bombers do not make a distinction between conservatives or liberals. That means you the athiest, you the homo sexual, you the liberal, you the buddist, you the parent, you the Jew, you the communist, you the anarchist, you the street bums, you the drug addicted left. The Islamo fascists don't care who you are other than you are a supposed American and that you die.

Wake up you fools.

It is terrifying what is coming. The world is at war and I welcome it - Not because I like war but because George Bush is the only one with the guts to use nuclear weapons to wipe them off the face of the Earth. We are in a battle for the survival of America.

You are either with us or you are with OBL.

Next thing you'll say is that Iraq is not Al Quida. Look I speak for all of America and strike a chord that people know is true, but have been too afraid to admit.

The radical left wing media like CNN is steering you in the direction of treason and sedition. There is an entire machinery behind the peace mongers. They take marching orders from emails and fax from the DNC and ACLU.

If you believe the drug and peace addicted hollywood idiots you are both a fool and suicidal.

God loves Christians and Jews more than he loves the Islamo fascists.

You will either support our good Christian president or you support the mutillation of womens sex organs by mullahs with a piece of glass, you support the bombing of our churches, you support the bombing of our synagoges, you support the bombing of our schools.

We are in a war within our shores between the rats and eagles. The eagles are those like Ronald Reagan. The rats are those like Sigmund Freud who said America is a mistake.

I have a best selling book and will have a mass reading of it in public across this nation in March. All it takes is a few hundred thousand people to change the face of this country. Were going to stir things up. We are going to save America in spite of the sick and mentally diseased leftwing rats and the Islamo fascists. We still have a second ammendment despite the Schumers and Boxers and Feinstiens. we are having an effect.

I am sick of seeing only Arabs shoot thier Kalazikovs in the air.
I dream of millions of loyal NRA men and women in our streets raising thier guns, shooting and screaming "We are not afraid of you"

I have a dream, I do not know whether I will see that dream but I hope it comes true.

Michael Savage - today on the Clear Channel radio monololy.

"Fascism should be called corporatism, the merger of corp. and state." Mussolini