The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56683   Message #888533
Posted By: *daylia*
12-Feb-03 - 10:17 AM
Thread Name: Where'd All the Hate and Rage Come From?
Subject: RE: Where'd All the Hate and Rage Come From?

Some may call what you have said deluded and naive
That matters not a whit if you can live what you believe
May the peace that you create within your heart and soul
Shine forth in beams of loving light to heal, bless and console


Thank you for the 'olive branch' - *sniff sniff* - here's one for you
We all are only human - do the best that we can do
I've learned so much on Mudcat, and often from your words
And now I can enjoy them without angry hurts absurd! :-)

At the risk of hijacking this important discussion re the Mudcat forum itself, I'd like to invite everyone to take a 'breather' and browse through these beautiful "Images of Sanity and Compassion in Tibetan Buddhism.

I'd especially like to recommend this
interactive Wheel of Life. Notice at the hub of the Wheel there are "Three Unwholesome Roots" - because from them grow all life's evils. They are also known as the "Three Poisons", because they corrupt from within.

And they are ...(drum roll) ... Greed, Hatred and Ignorance. Represented by a cock, a snake and a pig, respectively.

I find their placement at the very hub of the Wheel of Life most intriguing, as if the experience of life is truly dependant on these somehow. That would certainly explain why hatred and war continue to be 'center stage' throughout human history! And perhaps this shines some light on "Where'd All the Hate and Rage Come From?"

Just some whimsical peaceful wonderings

Grateful blessings to all
