The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11712   Message #88854
Posted By: reggie miles
22-Jun-99 - 06:56 PM
Thread Name: Ignore this - HTML Practice - marquee
Subject: RE: Ignore this

The moving sign uses the <marquee> command, Margarita. If you find an HTML trick you want to imitate, right-click on the page you like and choose "view source." Then steal whatever you like from the information that appears on your screen. You can cut-and-pase the major stuff, and insert your own changes. Instead of the number codes for colors, you can use the words posted in the chart Bill linked to. The code for my banner message is below.

<P><div align="center"><center> <P> <table border="2" width=100% bgcolor="red" bordercolor="#008080" bordercolordark="#008000" bordercolorlight="#00FF00"> <tr> <td><font color="white" size="7"><marquee scrollamount="5" scrolldelay="1">OK, yous mugs I think I got the hang of this<small>®</small>-</marquee></font></td> </tr> </table> </center></div> <P>