The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55645   Message #888692
Posted By: vindelis
12-Feb-03 - 12:59 PM
Thread Name: Weymouth Folk Festival (UK)
Subject: RE: Weymouth Folk Festival
You may go to the festival hoping to have a wonderful time, you may go and protest peacefully, you may stand on the side-lines and bicker; yes the new law is an ass, a big one, but just remember the following song, because sommetimes the real message is lost in the din.

Without the song, there's no show.

I saw no storm clouds appear
Is that the sound of thunder I hear?
Or the sound of warm applause?
No, it's just the roars
Of clashing egos and crashing bores

You know you're the best
So why not listen to the rest?
Don't sharpen your claws
Don't join the roars
Of clashing egos and crashing bores

Small fishes, small ponds
They wait for you to go on
They even call out for more
Then join the roars
Of clashing egos and crashing bores

The singers come and go
But without the song, there's no show
How can you sell, what's not yours?
Don't join the roars
Of clashing egos and crashing bores

The bottle may be shattered
But it's the message that matters
So if it washes on your shore
Don't join the roars
Of clashing egos and crashing bores

Roger Gall 1997