The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56683   Message #889122
Posted By: GUEST,Hated Guest
12-Feb-03 - 10:12 PM
Thread Name: Where'd All the Hate and Rage Come From?
Subject: RE: Where'd All the Hate and Rage Come From?
Someone mentioned Bukka White on a thread. He did a song called Aberdeen Mississippi Blues...really nice. He was a good bottleneck player. I learned guitar playing blues then drifted off into writing my own things. Now when I pick up a guitar, within ten seconds I'm playing something I've never heard before. And within 5 minutes structuring a song. Strange how many different approaches to music there are. There was a thread where we talked about Johnny Winter. You might check out his first album. He played excellent national steel guitar. Incredible electric guitar. Progressive Blues Experiment...the album.

Yeah...Steve James. Amazon or one of those might have sound clips. He plays locally with a group that uses a tuba for it's bass line half the time, so no telling what he's recorded with the group. But I've heard him on local KUT solo...amazing guitar work. Hold on...

KUT Live Set

There's a link to KUT 'Live Set'. If you have real audio, speakers and a decent link, you can listen to these studio sets. I haven't looked at this link in a long time, but there's a performance by Steve James. Streaming Audio. Have no idea what it's like, so I hate ro recommend, but you might check it out.