The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56683   Message #889131
Posted By: Bobert
12-Feb-03 - 10:25 PM
Thread Name: Where'd All the Hate and Rage Come From?
Subject: RE: Where'd All the Hate and Rage Come From?
Thanks fir the link, HG, but I'm at my beat up home pudder and it's sound card--whatever that is-- is shot and it don't play right but I'll check it out tomorrow. Sounds like you might be in the Austin area. Have you heard James McMurtrey? He's a local boy. Grew up 15 miles from here. His dad, Larry, wrote "Lomesome Dove". Well, James ahs a unique sound so it ya' ver get a chance to hear him... do it.


ps. Not too sure what this has to do with hate and rage but....