The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56683   Message #889183
Posted By: GUEST,Claymore
12-Feb-03 - 11:39 PM
Thread Name: Where'd All the Hate and Rage Come From?
Subject: RE: Where'd All the Hate and Rage Come From?
"Here's a tiny little corner of the world with some politically-like-minded people, and some politically-non-like-minded people (who CAN actually discuss an issue without calling each other evil), and at the end of the discussion, we're all alike in our love of music, so no major harm done (minor occasional apologies sometimes necessary). If only the whole world had the same level of hate and rage as Mcat, it would be a darn civil place."

It's here, and it's called Shepherdstown, WV. Almost all of my friends are musicians or singers, and many oppose the conflict with Iraq. Yet others are or were in the military and vigorously support the oncoming action. When young Patrick Roy was killed on the Cole the whole town buried him in the last grave open on the Antietim battlefield. Yet on Mayday the exmilitary and the former hippies will play in the Morris Band as we march through town to the Maypole, with the military guys laughing at the hippies attempts to keep in step while the hippies laugh at the attempts of the military guys to put flowers in their short hair. And we'll play and sing till dawn... And when the active duty guys come back, few will ask where they've been or anything but, "Learn any new tunes?". We have a saying in town that, "Everyone knows their own to talk to".

And yet I have been as vociferous as the next person. I'm an old dog who has seen a lot, been to most places in the world, have been shot at and have killed on more than a few occasions, have played a banjo since 62, had probably the only autoharp in Vietnam, have sung a finale with Tom Paxton, and as a manager at a Job Corps Center, I work with inner city youth whose dads I probably locked up in 18 years of Police work. I do not brook fools easily.

And yet I recall an individual named MAV who, though conservative, was nowhere near as abusive as the so called gentler leftist individuals would style themselves. He was abused even in a birthday thread. And I said to myself, those those who speak in peace and wisdom I would grant grace to the same. To those whose style, ignorance, or bluster make me come off my porch, when I climb back up those stairs, I going to have their dick in my pocket...

Please understand, I am having the time of my life right now, with good music and friends almost every night. Yet the pictures of those poor souls who had to jump from the Trade Towers, holding hands, carrying babies, and the one holding out clenched fists, must be avenged in blood.

There are people who don't understand the way the real world works. For example, North Korea is a myth; no-one is doing anything in that country without the permission of Red China. A little negotiation, some money for the starving, back to status quo ante. Thats why only the ignorant are worried. And posts become pungent in their exchanges.

But as for me, consider me a verbal buccaneer, willing to swing along side to board you for your treasure, and to fight the length of your decks, ... or to swill a keg till dawn.