The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56547   Message #889376
Posted By: Bullfrog Jones
13-Feb-03 - 08:27 AM
Thread Name: BBC - Commitment to folk music??
Subject: RE: BBC - Commitment to folk music??
Thank you for bringing this to our attention your ladyship! I suggest that we immediately start hundreds of threads (perhaps with PEL as a prefix to denote content) including links to the petition, regular updates on the number of signatures, and details on how to fax our MP's to protest. We could organize demonstrations aginst the Bill outside the Houses of Parliament. We could give details of sessions and festivals that have been affected by the PEL. We can mobilise singers, musicians and dancers throughout the country. This could be great! Come on chaps let's get cracking. TOGETHER WE CAN BEAT THIS BILL!