The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56705   Message #890017
Posted By: Bill D
13-Feb-03 - 10:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Miscellaneous Iraq- Feb 2003
Subject: RE: Miscellaneous BS
" I'll make a WAG that 99% of the people who ever have posted here,.....etc.etc...."

so very wrong...if you read a lot, you know that hundreds of these people ARE meeting regularly, and that entire lives have been changed ...and careers helped... and friendships started... and understandings furthered.

These are PEOPLE, and for the most part, nice, congenial people...and I have personally met about 150 of them, and that is far from the record!...and you know what? Not one of them put a bag over their head and refused to let me see their face when they spoke to me!....even when we disagreed....

Only insecure people say controversial things and refuse to even have a 'handle' to set them apart.

You can harp all you want on those of us who openly resent your attitude, but just as it seems that you CAN post with impunity, so can we tell you about it!

By the way...know any songs?...ever SING?