The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23807   Message #890182
Posted By: RoyH (Burl)
14-Feb-03 - 06:43 AM
Thread Name: Sharon Mountain Harmony: Golden Ring of Gospel
Subject: RE: Sharon Mountain Harmony: Golden Ring of Gospel
I brought the vinyl of this wonderful album home from America back in the 1980's. I was hosting a radio show at the time and first chance I got I played it on air. I had more 'lets hear more' requests for that album than any other, ever.   A while later Lucy Simpson came to my area to sing. She was amazed at the reaction to songs from the album, not realizing that I had been playing them regularly. 'Angels Hovering Round' was a big favourite. I am an atheist, with a dislike of organised religion, but I have no problem listening to Gospel, white or black, Sacred Harp, etc, sung by people of faith. Their belief gives the performance an impressive honesty and that connects with me. I also agree with the opinions about Helen Schneyer. She is a Mighty singer. If you haven't heard her yet, do so straight away. Burl.