The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56271   Message #890191
Posted By: The Shambles
14-Feb-03 - 07:09 AM
Thread Name: PEL's: News Blackout!
Subject: RE: PEL's: News Blackout!
This answer from the producer of the Radio 2 Awards.

I edited most of the awards show programme and so take
responsibility for everything that was edited out. The show ran for
two and a quarter hours on the night and I had to cut it down to
87 mins. I had to drop one full piece of music, heavily edit John
McCusker's tunes and cut quite a lot of everyone's speech.

I did not take out any political references deliberately, was just a
practical problem of physically getting the show to time and
making it sound reasonably natural. If I remember correctly there
were three references to the PEL. I cut out two and left Tom
Robinson's comments.

There were many other comments during the evening that I regret losing. There is no question of political censorship, it was purely a decision of cutting the speech down to the bone or dropping more music or even one of the awards.

However, all the speeches are on our web site where they can be
accessed at any time and heard in full, and a number of times
during the programme we directed listeners to the web site. John
Leonard, Producer.