The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56423   Message #890200
Posted By: SINSULL
14-Feb-03 - 07:30 AM
Thread Name: Naemanson Going to Los Angeles!
Subject: RE: Naemanson Going to Los Angeles!
Hey Brett, I went back to the store where you got your jeans and bought two of those Christmas red nightshirts. Did you notice anything "unusual" about them? The clerk was a bit amused at my purchase. The smallest size was a 5X - wonderful for snuggling. And I thought that's what the "Wish for something big" logo meant...until I put one on last night. Santa is sitting on a huge bell, the kind nuns used to use to call kids in from recess. The bell handle is between his knees, huge, red, and phallic. At least I got them on sale. Half off and half off again. They couldn't give these things away. Next time warn me. Memo to self: "Do not wear this on the next Girl Scout sleepover."