The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56705   Message #890274
Posted By: Big Mick
14-Feb-03 - 09:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Miscellaneous Iraq- Feb 2003
Subject: RE: Miscellaneous BS
I am just curious, WAMSO Matriot, how much money the nameless masses, in fact you specifically, have ever given to help this place? This "club" you refer to, is really nothing more than a bunch of folks who love this place because it has benefitted them in many ways. That is what Bill is saying. On the music side of things, these folks have contributed much of the older material that is the base of knowledge here. On the personal side, many of us have gone to considerable lengths just to meet some of the fascinating people here. And on the financial side, many of us have put a fair amount of money up. And you folks, the nameless masses you speak for, because of that have a place to use as a reference resource, and in your case, a place to come to where you can salve the sore that burns inside you. It gives you a forum where so many of you "ivory tower" activists can sit and offer lots of criticism but no solutions. That is why you are so resented. You could care less about the Mudcat and its members except as a place where you can take out your frustrations on other folks. Gives you a place where you can feel brilliant and smug.

I have a suggestion. Why don't all who post as a GUEST take just $10.00, get a postal money order or something that maintains your supposed "anonymity", put it in an envelope with no return address, and mail it to The Mudcat? We could use that to gauge how much the GUESTS care about this place. And don't give me any of that tired old shit about "Max doesn't account for the money............" as an excuse. Do you know why that doesn't matter to the rest of us? Because we know that this young man literally wrecks himself financially to keep this place going. We know the kind of effect it has on him personally, financially, and professionally. He doesn't keep this going because he needs it personally. He does it because of a sense of obligation for those to whom he knows it has become a very important part of their lives, all over the world. That is why you are so resented. Because you act like this is just your right. You act as though this place exists so you can point out to the rest of us what boobs we are for trying to help keep it going.

So take your old phony intellectual bullshit and stick it someplace. You could care less about "all the people who have ever posted here". You are simply a user. I wish it were not so, because I have seen you post some pretty good stuff. But as long as you continue to take that "it's my job to...(fill in the blank)..", phony intellectual attitude, you are the bad guy. Why don't you drop some money in the mail, adopt a handle, and come on into "the club". You might find out that there are some pretty bright folks, who make great friends. I have.
