The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11750   Message #89031
Posted By: bseed(charleskratz)
23-Jun-99 - 11:50 AM
Thread Name: 'cat addiction - BS
Subject: RE: 'cat addiction - BS
I was doin' all right, just checkin' the threads a coupla times a day (admittedly up from the OLD Gargoyle [NOI, Gargles} days when I could stay away for days at a time) and then I discovered--for the second time, after the real scholarship began, Hokey pokey and the Druids, and I was hooked again. I'd post, check back an hour later to see if anyone had responded to my post, hit a few others with my mostly inane contributions, check Hokey pokey again and someone else had posted, post again, then maybe shut down a while, play the banjo, play with the dogs, play at finding my carpet under all the junk I have piled around the computer, look up and see that empty face, and push the two fateful buttons again...

And all that was before Leej started the True Detective stories thread. I don't know when I'll see daylight again. --seed