The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56819   Message #890398
Posted By: Rick Fielding
14-Feb-03 - 12:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Politics: Colin Powell speaking now.
Subject: BS: Politics: Colin Powell speaking now.
Jeez, I never thought I'd get into this political quagmire, let alone START a thread about it, but I feel I have no choice.

I've just listened to Powell speak (at the UN) for the last twenty minutes or so, and I realize that everything that REALLY scares me about George W Bush, has a bright spotlite shone on it when this man speaks. He is articulate, appears to UNDERSTAND what he's talking about, and although I disagree totally with the position he appears to be forced to take, at least I feel I'm listening to a man who has some substance.

I realize that several world leaders (including Prime Minister Chretien) are being forced into positions that they'd NEVER take without huge pressure, and I guess this is how BIG wars start.

Just wanted to say OH how I wish Colin Powell was calling the shots now rather than the other would be a completely different situation....still scary, but maybe avoidable.

