The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56819   Message #890500
Posted By: GUEST,JB
14-Feb-03 - 02:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Politics: Colin Powell speaking now.
Subject: RE: BS: Politics: Colin Powell speaking now.
The UN security council is still meeting and here`s my prediction of what`s going to happen:

Bush and Powell will not get the necessary majority to attack Sadam, so Bush will decide to go it alone.

Tough shit Colin and George!-you see the inspectors`latest report unfortunately wasn`t incriminating enough this evening to clinch the plan of going to war with UN support.

As I said, Bush and Blair will go it alone. As soon as the reports start coming in about the people dying in Iraq, things will start backfiring for Bush and brown-nosed Blair. World opinion will quickly turn on the USA and GB and they`ll wish they never started it all.

Americans will realize they have they have once again made a great mistake on voting day and will feel ashamed (those who voted for him) for a while. However, history is easily forgotton and in a few years down the road Americans will vote yet again for another Bush (now tied up in Florida) as their President.

Any bets I`m wrong?

Watch this space!


At the next election. Bush will be literally run out of the White House, kind of like his father, but even faster.