The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56819   Message #890522
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
14-Feb-03 - 03:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Politics: Colin Powell speaking now.
Subject: RE: BS: Politics: Colin Powell speaking now.
I'm with you Rick. The man is intelligent, articulate courageous and loyal. I understand the arguments about integrity, but can you imagine the damage which would have been done had Powell resigned "on principle? Would you rather have Rumsfeld for SecState? An adult doesn't whine or resign when his boss chooses an alternate course. He stays in, does his job to the best of his abilities, so that the plan chosen can be executed in the best possible way. If Powell were to leave, Rumsfeld et al would have free sailing to their agenda. That would be a disaster to the US. Considering the number of people who are afraid of Hussein, ousting him should be a cakewalk. Bush and his "hawk" handlers are so politically clumsy, so lacking in integrity, that no one trusts them to do it right. Rumsfeld got up in front of the UN the other day and accused Germany of being like Libia and Cuba. I can't imagine that what he meant. He was trying to "shame" a powerful ally into agreement on a minor point with a playground taunt.

Hated guest, In spite of very limited resources and a small population, Switzerland is one of the strongest and trusted democracies on earth. There is no country more peace loving. They have had universal service for hundreds of years. Your other assertion is not worthy of comment.

I'll talk with ya Rick. I try to give the frantic, unsupported paranoia often spouted by Anon guests all of the attention it deserves.

I don't agree with your analysis McGrath, there was nothing new in the report. Everyone who spoke, demonstrated in their speeches that they comprehended the report. They all quoted the parts they liked. Though I dissagree with his stance, I enjoyed it when Straw trumped the Frenchman's "old country" play with "I speak for a VERY old country, founded by the French in 1066."

Bobert, Powell is in the position where he can best serve his country and the world. He has the loyalty and courage serve inspite of having to work with far less talented men..