The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56819   Message #890542
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
14-Feb-03 - 04:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Politics: Colin Powell speaking now.
Subject: RE: BS: Politics: Colin Powell speaking now.
Well, I wasn't talking about the report in here - there's another thread about Blix where that'd fit in. Nothing new, that's the point - they're getting on with the job, and things are moving forward as well as can be expected, and there's no reason to stop now, just because Bush has some timetable of his own.

But that doesn't belong in here, because this thread started out as about speaking style and suchlike. Theatre.

Powell is earnest and comes across as honest, even when it's pretty clear he isn't saying what he thinks. That's what diplomats do, and that's what he is these days. (And always was, so far as I can see, even in the army - that explains the My Lai cover up involvement, a loyal diplomat doing his job.) A bit like a lawyer with a difficult brief - businesslike and competent.

This BBC link gives a video of the main speakers. (Click on "Iraq's weapons: Full UN report and reaction".) A fascinating the contrast between the different styles.

Of the ones shown, the French delegate for me is by far the most eloquent orator, the others don't even try. The Russian one shows that the old wooden Soviet style of speaking at these occasions hasn't changed significantly - though he did make a sort of joke about St Valentine's Day at the end.

It's a pity they left out the "minor players", because I suspect that's where the best speeches, as theatre, would probably have been. And in fact in this case every country on the Security Council is important, because unless almost all the uncommitted ones vote with the USUK, there won't be that resolution to make the attack legal. That may not matter to Bush but it matters a hell of a lot to Blair. It could well be his political death blow.