The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56833   Message #891025
Posted By: Deda
15-Feb-03 - 01:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is poetry the most over-rated art form?
Subject: RE: BS: Is poetry the most over-rated art form?
(Snip, quote)
I'd say music is the highest art because it transcends all language barriers and abilities (snip)

It doesn't necessarily transcend deafness, any more than painting transcends blindness -- although I know that there are deaf dancers.

I just had a relevant experience, I was reading the poetry thread while listening to Hober radio. Kate McCleod came on Hober, singing "Piney Wood Hills", and I actually had to stop reading the poetry because I couldn't take them both in, and the song was playing right now and I couldn't put it on hold the way I could the poems. So I closed my eyes and listened until the song was over -- and I'm going to go back to the poem with Hober on mute.

That said, I think poetry may be the most UNDER-rated art form. It's older than Homer, and I don't think any human society has ever existed or ever will that doesn't need it -- but it doesn't get the kind of mainstream air time that songs or books get, it's not sexy and high-paying and top-ten. But I really don't believe that humanity as a whole can get by without it -- not for a day. It's where I turn when I am in need -- spiritually, emotionally, deeply, from the core. Music is also intensely comforting but poetry works a different set of spiritual muscles.