The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56849   Message #891474
Posted By: Strupag
16-Feb-03 - 10:05 AM
Thread Name: Fairwell to Scots Gaelic?
Subject: RE: BS: Fairwell to Scots Gaelic?
Probably the amount of Scots, who would like to learn Gaelic to a level of fluency has never been higher. That, of course, costs money.
Some people have that gift of quickly learning a language but it's a hard slog for most of us.
Whilst we have a healthy take up in Gaelic medium education for our youngsters, there is very little provision for adults to learn fluent Gaelic. Sure, there are very worthwhile courses being held around the country but most people really need to go through an immersion course to obtain fluency. There is no legal provision for someone to take a month out of work etc. to undergo such.
If you see my thread: BS: Gaelic Language Bill, I think it demonstrated the uphill struggle that we have.