The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56863   Message #891493
Posted By: harvey andrews
16-Feb-03 - 10:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: WARNING! SNOB THREAD. Renting a film.
Subject: RE: BS: WARNING! SNOB THREAD. Renting a film.
Oh...complicated!!! Our son's flat was burgled on the first day of his weeks holiday with us on Thursday so he had to go straight back to London. They only took his DVD player.Having broken in through a window they couldn't open the doors to get the stuff out. He went on Saturday to buy another one and asked for the top assistant. he then said he wanted a player that did three things, same as the one he'd had stolen. One of these things was playing American standard I believe. The shop assistant handed him a player with a confident. "Here's the one!" My son got it home and it doesn't do any of the things he wanted!

What can you expect when you see a sign in a shop window in a small market town in herefordshire advertising for;
"A garment interface with our customers."
Why can't they say "Shop assistant in a clothes shop" for Gawds sake!
If there's one thing I'll NEVER forgive America for it's what it's doing to our lovely language!