The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56863   Message #891510
Posted By: Bat Goddess
16-Feb-03 - 10:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: WARNING! SNOB THREAD. Renting a film.
Subject: RE: BS: WARNING! SNOB THREAD. Renting a film.
Well, Rick, I'm a film snob too, really preferring even foreign dreck to Hollyweird product. But a coupla films I've seen this past year that I didn't think were going to be my particular cup of gin turned out to be some decent entertainment. "Spy Game" with Robert Redford (still going strong) and Brad Pitt (whom I really am not crazy about) and filled with politics inside the CIA on Redford's character's last day before retirement. Kept Tom's and my attention throughout. "Sexy Beast" was another seen on a friend's recommendation -- a most elegant crime flick with Ben Kingsley as the bad guy -- and a great bad guy he was. "Serendipity" isn't just a chick flick. As a matter of fact, it was my former employer (very male) who recommended it to me. John Cusack being, well, John Cusack. Lots of great lines, very funny, and you feel good after watching it, silly grin and all. Speaking of John Cusack, I also loved "High Fidelity" with Cusack running a quirky, money losing record shop.

I have no intention of ever watching the remake of "Swept Away" -- and, actually, my favorite Lina Wertmuller film was "A Joke of Destiny."

Oh, and since my religious experience of last year was "Run Lola Run", we finally got around to seeing "Princess and the Warrior." Now I have to order a copy. Also really enjoyed a Dutch-Belgian-French production (in Flemish) called "Paulette and Pauline." Sweet, but dealing with some serious issues.

We watched "Chung King Express" last night. It had some incredibly imaginative & exciting camera work and technique, some intriguing characters & philosophy (mostly about love), but somehow the STORY(s) didn't come across. Glad I watched it, but . . . (prolly should have watched "Land Girls" instead). (Actually, what with the current temperature, I think I want to rewatch "Heat and Dust," "Hullabaloo Over Georgie and Bonnie's Pictures" and "Sheltering Sky." -- or best of all, "The Man Who Would Be King" except my copy was borrowed by someone who didn't return it.)
